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蒙古飒尔玛皮业,塑造企业诚信,打造品牌形象。 山东省临沂市,蒙古飒尔玛汽车用品有限公司成立于1997年,是服务于汽车用品行业,由销售、批发、生产、配送、服务一体的汽车专业用品。 公司面积在于3000平方米左右,现有职工100余人,公司以高瑞的品质和五星级的皮毛做定位,走差异化道路,想别人不敢想,做别人 不敢做,永远走在时代前沿。引领行业发展,倾力打造汽车用品航母。回眸走过的路,蒙古飒尔吗经历了14个春秋。专业化的生产线,优秀的营销团队,严谨的服务态度,优秀化的企业管理,为经销商建立一座坚不可摧的桥梁。 蒙古飒尔吗有限公司拥有一批年轻专业化的工作体系,拥有恒久不变理想和永不枯竭的激情和灵魂,具有良好的团队精神,全方位的服务意识,和积极向上的理念,来完成每个客户给我们的信任与支持。 我们的口号是,齐心协力,共创未来,。 我们的宗旨是,产品就是人品,品质源于细节。 我们的服务理念是;打造企业诚信,以品质创新。 公司发展的永恒定律;客户+产品质量+人品=等于塑造品牌形象。 贵公司的目标是,打造全国名优品牌,争取做国内龙头老大。 回首走过的路,我们创造了不少辉煌,我们 深知辉煌之中离不开您对我们的支持与信赖,,正因为您的陪伴,我们才能在挑战中顽强的生存下来,才能在大千世界中站稳辉煌,站稳脚跟,立于不败之地,深深的感谢您对贵公司的厚爱。 蒙古飒尔玛领导本着人性企业管理,带领全体员工开拓前进,同舟共济,一起把飒尔玛这艘航母驶向更加辉煌灿烂的彼岸。 Mongolia Sa Erma Pi industry , shaping corporate integrity , build brand image. Linyi City , Shandong Province , Mongolia Sa Erma Automotive Ltd. was established in 1997 , is serving the automotive supplies industry by sales, wholesale , manufacturing , distribution and service of automotive specialty products . Company area lies 3,000 square meters , existing staff of 100 people, the company with high quality and the Swiss star 's fur to make positioning, take the difference of the road, like others dare not think, do what others can not do , always ahead of the times frontier . Lead the development of the industry effort to build automotive supplies carriers. Looking back at the road traveled , Mongolia Sa Seoul you experienced 14 Spring . Specialized production lines , excellent marketing team , rigorous attitude , excellent management of the enterprise for the dealers to establish an indestructible bridge. Mongolia Sa Seoul it has a group of young professional working system, with unchanging ideals and inexhaustible passion and soul , with a good team spirit , full service awareness, and positive philosophy, to complete each customer gives us the confidence and support . Our slogan is , work together to create a better future . Our aim is that the product is the character, quality comes from details. Our service philosophy is ; build corporate integrity, quality and innovation . Development of the company 's eternal laws ; Client + + personality = equal quality brand image . The Company 's goal is to build the country's famous brand , and strive to do the domestic leader . Looking back through the road , we have created a lot of brilliant , brilliance we know we can not do without your support and trust , because your companion can we survive tough challenges to the Daqian world stand brilliant , stand firm , invincible , deeply thank you for your love for your company . Mongolia Sa -Mart corporate management leadership spirit of humanity , to lead the staff forge ahead , help each other along the Sa -Mart more brilliant sail aboard the aircraft carrier the other side .
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公司名称: 蒙古飒尔玛垫业总汇
公司地址: 山东临沂市华丰汽车装具城298号
公司网址: http://www.sem.cpwlx.com/
联 系 人: 斯琴其木格 (女士)
在线状态: 当前离线